Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Late night or early morning

Hi..hello again everyone.. how are you today? do you had a nice today or just plain bad day? whatever it is,good or bad, just remember it just a day..what the matter the most is that you can go home to your family and sleep in your own bed. Be thankfull.

Anyway, i suppose to write this entry few hours ago, but i got busy with my Engagement arrangement. Engagement? yes. you read it right, im goin to be in an engagement soon. with who? with my Girlfriend of course. We have been for about 9 years. lets talk about it later.

Its getting late now, its about 2337hrs at my hometown right now. and i need my sleep cuz come tomorrow, its gonna be a busy day for me again. I hope all of you who read this will continue on your daily routine weather its late night or early in the morning. Do what you want to do. Do it. Dont hesitate. Be brave. Good night everyone.

By Me

Image Taken by
Device - Asus Z00AD
White Balance - Auto
Aperture - f/2.0
Exposure time - 1/1000
iso - 60
location - Kota Kinabalu / 1832hrs / 3rd June 2016